To request a replacement card for a cardholder’s registry identification card that has been lost, stolen, or destroyed, the cardholder shall submit to the Department, within 10 working days after the cardholder’s registry identification card was lost, stolen, or destroyed, a request for a replacement card that includes:

1. The cardholder’s name and date of birth;

2. If known, the registry identification number on the cardholder’s lost, stolen, or destroyed registry identification card;

3. If the cardholder cannot provide the registry identification number on the cardholder’s lost, stolen, or destroyed registry identification card, a copy of one of the following documents that the cardholder submitted when the cardholder obtained the registry identification card:

a. Arizona driver’s license;

b. Arizona identification card;

c. Arizona registry identification card; or

d. Photograph page in the cardholder’s U.S. passport; and

4. The applicable fee in R9-17-102 for requesting a replacement registry identification card.

This is an unofficial version of the Medical Marijuana Program rules. At this time, ADHS does not anticipate making substantive changes to these rules before they are filed with the Office of the Secretary of State. However, technical, organizational, and grammatical changes may be made. The official copy will be posted on when filed.