East Valley Tribune: “Tempe had more interest than any East Valley city last year when municipalities began sifting through applications for dispensary locations. Mesa has also seen renewed interest, while Gilbert’s had a single inquiry. Chandler hasn’t had any new interest, and a city official said it’s unlikely a dispensary will find a place to open in that community despite the state’s medical marijuana program going forward. The would-be dispensary owners flooded cities last year with applications, totaling more than 80 in the East Valley. Tempe was overwhelmed with about 50 applications, while Mesa fielded 35. Chandler and Gilbert had only a few applications per city. . . . Department of Health Services rules administrator Tom Salow said he doesn’t expect the agency will issue all of the 126 licenses this year that are available. Tribal nations will likely block the 18 dispensaries that the geographical system would set aside for them.”