CBS San Francisco: “Even though the federal government threatened a crack down on California’s medical marijuana clubs this week, The Cow Palace is brazenly hosting a Cannabis Expo that includes a job fair just south of San Francisco. Medical marijuana growers and sellers gathered this weekend with no sign of the feds in sight at the West Coast Cannabis Expo.”
Cow Palace Hosts First Ever Medical Marijuana Job Fair
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The event was a huge success.
Bob Calkins of CannaJobs reports that there was a hiring frenzy: growers, budtenders, dispensary managers all had good prospects of getting hired, and media outlets from around the world covered the event.
In a lousy economy, this growing industry (no pun intended…) can stimulate a lot of economic activity in revenue-strapped local economies needing the boost of a LEGAL industry serving patients’ needs.
There are approximately another six states looking at adopting MMJ programs between now and November 2012; the times, they are a changin’.