Arizona Republic: “Three doctors have submitted plans for Scottsdale’s first medical-marijuana dispensary, which could be one of nine in the Northeast Valley. The Virtue Center, at 7301 E. Evans Road in the Scottsdale Airpark, is seeking a use permit from the city. . . . The principals have agreed to donate all profits to qualified charities, according to their use-permit application.”
In the Use Permit Application submitted to Scottsdale by the Applicant, the Rose Law Group, pc, repeatedly and incorrectly refers to the nonprofit entity as OF&C Corporation, when its actual legal name is O.F. & C., Inc. Oops! Question for zoning lawyers: If the law firm is the applicant, doesn’t that mean it is the party applying for the permit and the party that will receive the permit if it is issued rather than O.F. & C., Inc.?
The Use Permit Application contains this interesting statement:
“All directors have . . . agreed to donate all profits in excess of usual and customary business expenses to qualified charities in Arizona, including the proposed State fund to assist those in need of medicinal marijuana products who are unable to pay.”